3rd Wave Media

Lead Generation & Paid Strategy

Lead generation powers your business-to-business company, which is why uniting with an experienced, top lead generation agency is critical. At 3rd Wave Media, we concentrate on both activity-based management and inbound marketing for our lead generation programs.

We help companies use inbound marketing, account-based marketing, and sales enablement to reinforce lead generation. We create a marketing strategy that focuses on one, a critical metric that aligns with the business.

Lead Generation & Paid Strategy

We also create a lead management process to ensure that we are converting and nurturing leads to opportunities. We set objective lead quality definitions and make a governance system for lead generation. We improve lead management systems and develop a feedback circuit to continuously improve qualified lead acquisition rates over time.

We believe websites have employment to try to do. Once we design and build websites, we specialize in both design and performance not just making a reasonable brochure. From lead generation to customer recognition, we create genuine tools and manage campaigns that measurably improve business outcomes. Reach out to 3rd Wave Media for knowing more.

Our Client is Our Family

In digital marketing, results are EVERYTHING. As a digital marketing company, our clients come first, and we are proud to work with some of the best brands. We work with our clients to get the growth in digital marketing that eventually brings up a smile. We have built brands right from the scratch and have also made some of the prominent brands further their recognition as a leader in the market.

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Let’s come up with some of the creative ideas for your brand and build a revenue generation strategy over a cup of hot coffee. Want to get in touch? We would love to hear from you.


Most frequent questions and answers
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Lead generation is a very important step for a business. The sales must expand and some businesses struggle as they lack knowledge about generating leads. Many businesses are ready to spend and they contact lead generating companies or agencies to create the best lead generating ideas to sell well. 3rd Wave media helps you to also build an engaging website apart from the other lead generating strategies to grab the attention of your potential customers and increase chances of conversion.

Google has made the process of connecting people easier and it acquires 90 % of the search engine market share. Google analytics has a standard free version for lead generation, mostly preferred by small businesses. Small or large, analytics can assist in tracking the metrics of a business. Google Analytics is a Google-owned platform that tracks, records, and breaks down a website’s key metrics. Free is promising but if you want more advanced features one has to pay a premium fee.

The services offered by lead generating companies include SEO, social media, blogging, web page optimization, email marketing, conducting paid searches, promotions, content creations, pay-per-click services. The lead generation is classified into inbound and outbound. Outbound strategy is more traditional with events like trade fairs, seminars or cold calling. The inbound strategy is used majorly in the current trends to grow and build a meaningful relationship with customers or consumers.

The goal of any company in inbound marketing is to attract new prospects and engage with them individually. Inbound marketing works on three major strategies – attracting, engaging and delighting. The attracting strategy is used to target the audience and buyers. Content generation optimized with SEO strategies can attract more audiences to your website. The engaging part will include communication for building a long-term relationship. Delighting strategy ensure that customers are happy, totally satisfied and would support in future.

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) marketing method uses the search engine to generate clicks for any website. One must have seen sponsored ads on the top of Google’s search results page and that is PPC advertising. The most popular PPC Campaign Management platform is Google Ads, which was formerly known as Google Ad Words. The users pay for the advertisements by clicking on the feature. PPC is used to attract sales, leads and traffic. PPC yields fast results, which allows businesses to grow at a quick pace.

Social media is one of the best mediums for generating sales leads.  Social media platforms help businesses to identify target audiences interested in them. The companies can offer exciting offers to regular customers with social media posts, live and announcements. One can create lead-generating ads or leverage social media sponsorships for lead generation. One can even launch virtual meets and events. One can also showcase testimonials as social proof about a particular product, thus helping in lead generation.

The most effective lead generation channels include email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization, landing page and website optimization. A marketing automation tool can be used to send highly targeted emails to the leads. Content marketing is another lead generating channel through blogs, infographics, podcasts, audiovisuals or videos to create interest among the audience. The further step is social media marketing with an effective methodology. The landing pages or website optimization with responsive data and SEO to link the website, content, social media network, everything from keywords are other major channels for leads.

Money can buy food or any luxuries, isn’t it! Money is power yet can lead be bought is the biggest question that can strike into the mind of businessmen, nevertheless small or large. Buying a purchase database can be fair play but how authentic they are is again a matter of question. The lead purchase will prove beneficial and time-saving. There might be a chance to get a better client with follow-ups and interactions.  Every coin has two sides, so think of the pros and cons before planning to purchase lead data.

Lead generation involves cost unless you do it yourself to save your money using free networks and channels.  A right lead generating expert will never make your money go to waste and it will not be fair if we say it, is a costly affair. Let us take it in a better sense, lead generation is a cost-effective process with 3rd Wave Media. We provide you services that can qualify your leads to a better level of sales and acquiring new customers. We value time, so our services are cost-effective and beneficial for your growth. 3rd Wave Media gives you the right inbound solutions for your marketing hurdles.

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