3rd Wave Media

What is Rebranding? Rebranding is about the creation of a new look and feels for any established products or companies. The idea of rebranding is to influence customers’ outlook toward a product or service and make it more contemporary according to the customer’s needs. The rebranding comes with benefits and risks. Why is rebranding essential? Rebranding is essential to create a different brand identity for an already branded product or service. It is a brand
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What is the B2B model? B2B, or business-to-business marketing, is about selling one company’s products to others. The B2B business model includes product manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and more. This business model is about the exchange of products and services between two or more businesses. The B2B model is advantageous for generating large amounts of revenue with orders in bulk. There is potential for higher conversion rates with no worries about attracting new customers. The
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Importance of SEO in 2023 There are many reasons why SEO will be considered important in 2023. SEO is important for a business for its ability to cultivate qualified leads. SEO is an inbound marketing strategy and it makes a website show up in search engines to get more traffic. SEO is important for business as it is a process that allows better answers for search engine queries. This allows more people to come and
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What is Facebook Marketing? Facebook marketing can be defined as the practice of promoting a business or brand on this social media platform. This strategy is mainly used to create brand awareness, build its strength, grow its online presence, generate leads, and sell products and services. The times have changed, and Facebook is not just a cozy space for your vacation pictures. In recent times it is the world’s largest social media network. Its initial
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What is branding and identity conceptualization? Branding and identity conceptualization are important to build a brand story. So, what is branding? It is a process of creating an optimistic perception about a company using captivating design, a clear mission statement, and an effective theme throughout marketing communications. Consistent and effective branding helps businesses and brands stay abreast of their competitors and build a loyal customer base.  Identity conceptualization, on the other hand, is about building
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