3rd Wave Media

What we do?

Perfection is what our team abides to. 3rd Wave Media offers a comprehensive range of solutions for all your business needs. Our banquet of services includes web design and development, mobility solutions and digital marketing. We have been serving India’s clientele for more than a decade. Every story that we tell, every brand that we build, and every interaction we create must not only look beautiful but has to feel beautiful, too. 

Social Media and Content

Sociall Media and Content
Everybody is there on social media lately, so running a generic campaign with no focus could end in just losing money and almost no conversions. We start social media marketing by first understanding your requirements. Our strategy will change for every goal type, be it Lead, Traffic or Branding.

Lead Generation and Paid Media

Lead Generation and Paid Media
Lead generation powers your business-to-business company, which is why uniting with an experienced, top lead generation agency is critical. At 3rd Wave Media, we concentrate on both activity-based management and inbound marketing for our lead generation programs.

Branding And Identity Conceptualization

The identity of a brand could also be a symbolic embodiment of all the knowledge connected to a company, its products or services that one simply offers. The look and feel play a pivotal role in creating a brand identity, which eventually builds brand association for the consumers and the stakeholders. In other words, an identity gives a face to your company. We as a creative branding identity agency consider all small things while developing branding and identity conceptualization for you.

Search Engine Optimization

The number one and most important step of SEO is finalizing the right keywords to target for each page. Most Agencies and Consultants select the keywords to show ranking faster rather than selecting the right keywords that will bring the most conversions.

Email Strategy and Marketing

Email Strategy and Marketing

Almost everyone uses their email. Unfortunately, getting into the inbox is not a cakewalk. Email marketing is effective but it has its downside too. We connect with their customers in the moments that matter. If you build good content, you will receive good responses. We believe that content is the engine that drives traffic to your website, and the quality of your content will dictate the success of your website.

Influencer POA

Influencer POA

Everything you need in one influencer marketing platform. Fuel your best influencer marketing strategies with incredible time and cost savings. Take full control of your influencer marketing successes. 3rd Wave Media provides cost-effective influencer marketing thus helping big brands and agencies run large influencer-marketing campaigns. Influencer marketing doesn’t have to be hard. There’s no better way with the access of your data processes. Fuel your best influencer marketing strategies.

Copywriting and Content Publishing

Many businesses who have built a powerful product, struggle to communicate with their customers the most important thing: “why should you buy from us”. It is hard for anyone and the founder at 3rd Wave Media to be so deeply involved in their business.

Creative and Art Direction

Creating that perfect advertising campaign so that people start, stop and see isn’t easy! Tons of diligence, brainstorming concepts and sleepless nights are required to form something that strikes a chord with the customer and this is often where a clever creative agency steps in and takes up the reins of concocting brilliant and kick-ass ideas and campaigns

Audio Visual and Digital Video Commercials

Audio Visual and Digital Video Commercials

If you’re here it is because you know the value of video marketing. Brands can no longer get their name by content only. Our dynamic digital team gets results. We apply a series of strategic tactics to bring happiness in plenty even so to draw quality traffic to your site and build relevant content. We have produced many videos with engaging content and compelling visuals for brands.

Success Stories

Better service starts here. This is what we do. All our thinking, making, marketing and measuring wrapped up in a results-getting bow. We listen, we engage, we create! We as a team of creative nerds focus on user experiences and therefore making the truth worth sharing.